Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I made my life less stressful by not thinking of my workouts that much since I am always rushing here and there nowadays. I always remind myself that AS LONG AS THERE'S SOME PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DONE, than its always better than having none. I know that sounded bad but I am adapting to the new life I embarked few weeks ago. (No, I did not change my job or anything).
Gym trips become lesser. The most is three times a week. Its bad, I know. I blame myself for sucking at managing my time, still. BUT my priority IS my career, so yeah. Plus, I listen to my body. Of course the 'mental control is powerful' shit is something I truly agree with, but time really is not on my side and I am mentally and sometimes, physically tired after six.
I hate myself for giving excuses (suddenly went to watch the youtube video on the top right og this blog).
Pilates, well, I abandoned that long time ago. I think I need to re-start it again, to compensate the lack of ab workouts during my gym time.
Im only doing cardio (mild run/jog) for abt 15 to 20 mins after hitting the weights. And on some days when Im not rushing, I'll punch the dummy at my gym for few minutes, just for fucks.
So yeah, thats pretty much it... my fitness side...
Oh, and also, Im using my dumbells at home during days that Im not at the gym... just to keep the body to have a momentum of weight lifting, despite the light weight.
Today I had a sudden chat with my former college mate whose into fitness and all. Its kind of nice to have someone to talk to about this matter, and yes, I am proud that I do have some knowledge on this subject... and the chat sort of reminded me of how obsessed I was with fitness and yes, it was declining at some time (plateau and shit) but I guess thanks to him, something sparked the obesessive part of me (towards fitness) to pick up from where I left off. Im crossing my fingers now.
Ok, enough rant. I want my sleep.
Im glad I had this blog.
Negative Effect After Losing the Weight #1
Monday, November 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
More here.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Some simple reminders. By Gabirelle Reece.
A lot of us are out there watching what we eat and exercising, but still not making a dent in our bellies and body weight. There are a few things we are probably not doing, or doing too much of, that would mean major improvements in our health.
Get more sleep. After a very short period of time (about 6 nights), studies show that your glucose levels can rise if you get only 4 to 7 hours of sleep each night. New parents are excluded, but everyone else should try to hit the 8 hour mark as often as you can and get to bed BEFORE midnight. Every hour of rest before 12 a.m. is twice as valuable as the hours after midnight: Our cortisol levels are lowest before midnight therefore our recovery is the highest.
Eating fewer refined and processed foods. Avoid fast and fried food and try to consume as many real foods as you can. It's also imperative to get enough fiber (helps with elimination); fruits and veggies are a great way to fill up.
Avoid sugary drinks and reach for more water. Water is great for so many things like digestion, eliminating toxins in the body, and transporting important nutrients to our cells which need energy to burn calories. Americans drink 20% of their calories, so be careful of that silent pitfall.
Get to know your kitchen. I realize it takes more work, but the simple truth is we eat out or order in too often. There is a greater opportunity to control what is in your food if you cook it yourself.
Slow down. When you do sit down to a meal, don't wolf it down. Our culture encourages eating while driving or sitting at our desks. The only time we seem to sit down and enjoy our food is at Thanksgiving. The monks chew each bite of food 100 times (which is excessive), but they also eat only until they are full. They recognize that chewing their food more makes it easier for the body to digest.
Breathe. There are so many days that I don't breathe deeply. In the morning, mid-afternoon, and at the end of the day take a 10 conscious, belly-deep breaths. Close your eyes, pull that air deep into your stomach via your nose and let all the junk out through your mouth. Whether its a stressful day, or you just want to start and end your day on the right foot, breathing is important.
Don't starve yourself. Oddly enough some of you may not be eating enough, and the lack of calories is putting your body into save mode. Our bodies are so brilliant, and if they aren't getting enough food, your metabolism will tell your body to store each and every calorie it receives or to make energy from whatever muscle tissue you have. Not good. Oh and by the way, don't skip breakfast. People who skip breakfast are over 4 times more likely to be overweight.
Do more than exercise. Even if you are working out, you can't eat and drink whatever you want. It really is a three sided puzzle: balancing exercise, food, and (oh yes) the spirit (which stress and happiness play into).
I wish you the greatest of success, and remember, being healthy is like making your bed. It really is something we have to work at everyday.
*From here.
Below is an article from this chick who met Jillian Michaels, the lady trainer from The Biggest Loser.
5 things I learned from Jillian Michaels
DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR SELF-PRESERVATION I told Jillian that some of my habits--flushing rice down the toilet so I won't eat it, bringing my own high-fiber bread to brunch--stirred some controversy on the blog. "Why?" she asked. "Why should we apologize for the practices that help us manage the symptoms while we deal with the real reasons we eat? I pour candle wax on my food at restaurants," Jillian admitted. "Not wanting to 'waste food' is a poor excuse for ending up far worse off later on, dealing with all the health problems that come with obesity." (Here are a few restaurant do's and dont's to help you maintain your healthy eating goals while dining out.)RUN I asked Jillian if running really is the best form of cardio for weight loss. "Absolutely," she said. "There are lots of great ways to get your heart rate up, but if you want to see the pounds melt off, running is the fastest way. But I get that not everyone is built for it--knee problems, tight IT bands, heel spurs; I get it." Whatever you do, she said, "Don't forget the weights! The more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism will run."(What's better running outdoors or on a treadmill?)
THE BIGGEST LOSER IS NOT REALITY "You don't watch the Olympics and think, Hmm, I should swim for 6 hours a day like Michael Phelps, do you? But you might think about joining a pool and swimming a few times a week," she said. That's what Jillian wants people watching TBL to think, too: "If these people can lose ten pounds in two weeks, maybe I can lose ten pounds in a couple of months." She adds: "I want people to realize their own potential; I meet people all the time who never thought of themselves as athletic, but now? They truly are athletes."
FORGET WILLPOWER "Losing weight is not about willpower--it's about moments of bravado, like the moment when you ask your waiter to take the bread away from the table right away."
JUST SAY THANK YOU When I told Jillian how much weight I've lost, she congratulated me. And then (as I always do), I added, "But I still have a long way to go." "Stop," she said. "What does that do," she said, "apart from negate everything you've already accomplished? You're being self-deprecating and disempowering, and that doesn't serve anyone-and especially not you. Be proud of what you've done for yourself."
Friday, October 3, 2008
1st Day at the gym...
I did chest (I went light) and cardio and cardio and cardio with some situps and jump-rope. Then I got dizzy. I guess it should be ok, for a 'coming back' trip. Its like warm-upla.
Its the same gym by the way. I didnt not approach or do any research at all, on the other gym. Haha. I asked some members at my current gym for opinions and shit and of course theres a reason why theyre still here and not in some fancy gym. Some of them switched from their previous fancy gym to this current one and judging from their feedback (of course theyll give better review of the current one since theyre in it) I think Ill stay here for a couple more years (or until im just sick and tired of it).
Cant wait for next trip.
GOAL: NOT TO BE A BODYBUILDER, just be fit! (my ex-trainer had another client whos on his way to become buff and muscular. threw me off a bit, but then i told myself, THAT IS HIS GOAL, not mine.)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Motivational Method
A new method to trim down espouses a nourishing diet and a healthy state of mind.NO cutting down on calories, no heavy workouts, no surgery, eat whatever and however much you want - the Gabriel Method sure sounds like a dream weight loss programme. Jon Gabriel, a trim and taut 83kg in a 1.9m frame, is proof that his slimming method works for, just seven years ago, he was an obese 187kg.
The approach behind the Gabriel Method appears to be simple: you lose weight by getting your body to want to be thin. Huh?
Jon Gabriel with his old pair of pants. His weight dropped drastically after he stopped worrying about it.
Gabriel explains: “Your body has an internal logic that determines how fat or thin you will be at any given time. The way to lose weight is not to diet or struggle but to understand this logic and work with it so that your body wants to lose weight.”
Gabriel devised his weight loss technique through much hard-won lessons over 12 years during which he struggled to keep his weight down. Like many fat people trying to shed the extra kilos, Gabriel dieted and tried one weight loss programme after another, but none worked.
Instead, his girth kept growing until one day, in August 2001, he had a eureka moment.
“I realised that I was fat because my body wanted to be fat and as long as it wanted to be fat, I’d be fighting it and I would always lose. So I decided I’d never diet again and instead try to figure out why my body wanted to be fat in the first place.”
That quest saw him spending 10 hours a day learning everything about weight gain and weight loss.
“I researched biochemistry, neuro-biology, quantum physics, stress management, meditation and the mind-body connection. I started to get real answers. I started to lose weight and I wasn’t dieting,” he says in an e-mail interview.
The transformation is stark as the “before” and “after” photographs show: one of a morbidly obese Gabriel, the other a toned Gabriel with six pecs and handsome, chiselled features. With his new body came a new life - Jon gave up his stressful stock-broking job in New York and moved to Australia. He now travels worldwide to share his weight loss-without-dieting technique. He has also written a book, The Gabriel Method.
Gabriel, 42, concluded people are not fat solely because they overeat, lack exercise or are undisciplined, but because “their body wants them to be fat”. It is a genetic survival mechanism linked to times of ancient famine and extreme cold when it was a case of survival of the fattest.
“We don’t have those stresses any more, but we still have stress, which can trick our body into holding on to weight and fighting for its life,” says Gabriel.
To get your body to want to be thin, he explains, you have to address and eliminate the reasons why your body is holding on to excess fat in the first place. Some of these reasons are nutritional starvation, chronic yo-yo dieting, mental and emotional stress, toxins and devitalisation.
Sure, we eat, but we might be feeding our bodies with nutrient-poor food or we might not be digesting food properly and absorbing the nutrients. Our bodies sense this nutrient deficiency as famine and reacts by storing fat. We might also be loading our bodies with toxins from chemical-laden, processed food. To protect us, our bodies store even more fat since fatty tissues readily absorb toxins.
“The way that you address these issues is to add foods and nutrients that your body is craving, and practise certain visualisation techniques (that he talks about in his book) that eliminate the mental and emotional causes of obesity,” says Gabriel.
“The most common mistake with other weight loss methods is that they don’t address the real issues. I personally find that the mental and emotional stresses are a much more compelling cause of fat gain, and most diets or methods don’t even go there.”
Gabriel should know. He has, after all, tried everything from low-fat diets to low-carb diets and everything in between. He had spent a small fortune consulting Dr Robert Atkins (of the high-protein Atkins Diet), naturopaths, homeopaths, chiropractors and fitness trainers, spent time at Pritikin Institute (a health centre) and even had an acupuncturist tape seeds to his ear €“ all to no avail.
“They all followed the same pattern. I’d lose a little weight in the short term, then I’d get a rebound, then I’d be hungry all the time. I couldn’t fight it and, sooner or later, I’d binge. Weight that took me weeks to lose would be back in a matter of days and then I’d be even heavier than when I first started out.”
Hence the Gabriel Method renounces dieting. Gabriel points out that a nourished body will not demand for more food. Cutting calorie intake on the other hand, can do more harm than good because it will trigger chemical changes in the body that mimic a state of famine, making your body want to gain fat and hold on to it.
“The reason we have excess fat on our bodies in the first place is to protect us against famine. That’s why diet’s don’t work ... you can lose weight in the short term, but then you activate a famine response that puts your body into fat-storage mode for its survival. This inevitably leads to a rebound weight gain.”
Although you can eat however much you want, Gabriel advocates eating lots of greens (which are essentially low-calorie foods) and organic produce. He recommends a diet with ample water, proteins (from grass-fed meat, free-range chicken, cold-water fish and whey protein), essential fatty acids (Omega 3 from cold water fish and flaxseed oil) and, for efficient digestion, probiotics and digestive enzymes. Unlike other popular weight-loss programmes, the Gabriel Method does not deny you of any foods that you might be craving but instead, makes your body crave healthier foods. You are also not required to eat only certain types of food such as low-carb or high-protein.
Gabriel explains why: “It’s important to provide your body with the nutrients that it requires. But everyone is different and a low-carb or a high-protein diet, or any other diet of this type, is oversimplified and doesn’t necessarily address the real reasons that your body wants to be fat, such as mental and emotional stress, toxins and devitalisation.”
Another trick that Gabriel employs to stay slim is the “visualisation” technique, whereby he pictures his ideal body, as motivation. To help those with no experience with visualisation, he has developed a visualisation CD that comes with the book.
Gabriel’s method was the highlight of the conference of the American Holistic Medical Association in June 2007. He says there are doctors recommending the Gabriel Method. One of them is Dr Jean Vokelman, director of the Endo-Biogenic Medical Centre at the University of Idaho. Vokelman is now putting together a continuing education course on the Gabriel Method.
“Every other weight loss approach follows the same paradigm ... you have to force your body to be thin by restricting calories, or to make yourself exercise, or through behaviour modification or more radical methods such as drugs and surgical procedures. But if you can get your body to want to be thin, weight loss happens automatically,” says Gabriel.
Sounds simple enough to be given a shot, you think?

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Okay, what the hell did I just wrote...
My colleague brought up the topic of joining the Crossfit gym once again (we went for trial), which I would in a heartbeat, but judging from the crazy life in this business, the distance of the gym itself and how the journey can be time-consuming, the inefficiencies and laziness of SOME writers resulting in my lack of control of workload coming in, it doesnt seem like a good thing for me to enter. Furthermore, I still dont own a personal vehicle, and to use the family car for my personal gain is not a thing I am comfortable with, I can only gave him a sad "no". Urgh!
I am crossing my fingers and hoping that this Crossfit thing will get more popular in Malaysia, that more of this type of gyms will open up (SOON I hope) and one will be opening soon nearby my workplace. I really think that this trend will grow, and hell yeah I do not mind jumping on the bandwagon when everybody are on it. Right now, its still the "underground, cool thing." I hope this will grow... PLEASE! Back then when I joined a gym, this fitness fever have not plagued Malaysians and I am proud as hell that I did not join a gym because its a "trend" and for the pursuit of vanity, but for the sole purpose of warding off sickness that "fat" and "calories" might invite to invade this 'temple' of mine.
Im still thinking whether to stay at my current gym or switch to another one. The current gym im in is a no frill, non-fancy gym that is located slightly out of my work-to-home route. The other gym is a famous brand that happens to be in the route of my work-to-home-to-work route, and it has showers!
I hate contracts, I hate being tied to something, I hate huge fees, I hate fuss over freezing accounts, I hate to compete with workout wear (I dont wear fancy stuff while working out, a t with shorts will do), I hate many people (duh) and I hate embracing changes (erm... so much for being an I-dont-care-what-people-say person). Thats what the new gym is all about.
I hate no showers, I hate the slightly longer distance and out of the way route, I hate lack of equipments, I hate short operating hours and I hate how far, hidden and secluded it is. These are some problems that my current gym is providing me.
Im not done comparing though. There are tons of other factors too. I hate decision making.
*I loss some more mass. But not the belly part. Wtf?
*Cant wait to get away from KL and off to Bangkok for some shopping and peace of mind.
*Cant wait for Raya to end, so I can stop my suffering of seeing food-filled-with-fat galore in front of me and fighting the urge of wanting to gobble them down.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I want to hit the gym real bad right now (cant take the workout-less days anymore) but i'll wait for for fasting month to finish before continuing my normal routine of work, workout, sleep.
Enjoying the fasting season right now. And big thanks to the dates (as in the dried, thumb-sized, sweet fruits) for providing energy. It amazes me how the sugar in it kept me energized throughout the day.
Got hit with bad food poisoning days before the first day of Ramadhan and with it came a not-so-consistent fever later that stretched all the way till the third day of fasting month. But I did not skip my fasting. Woohoo.
Am proud to say that i am able to control what i stuff my mouth with during the break of fast and also during sahur (like super early breakfast). I dont do supper but i allow myself to eat only fruits, nuts in small quantity or peanut butter (the one with choc stripes, hehe), when i feel hungry. If not ill just down glasses of water.
I think light stretching and pilates / yoga is doable prior to breaking the fast, since the the staff were given permission to chow back home at 5 instead of the usual 6. But i cant promise myself that ill do it daily. "Buka Puasa" invites are now pouring in. So will see how.
I feel good.
*I dont feel bad eating one huge slice of Secret Recipe Choc cake after an hour of dinner yesterday (celebrated my friend's birthday) but feels super bad for allowing myself to join him and his other friends for a mamak session, simply because im pretty much the only one who doesnt smoke and the place we sat at was packed as hell. I was actively secondhand-smoking yesterday. I guess its fine since mamak sessions are not something i frequently do.
*A collegue told me i got huge. Ah, wardrobe wonders!
*Sneezing = relief
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I Dare Myself To Dream
Ok, Im lost reading what I wrote.
Harley Pasternak & Bob Harper. Discovered these two from tube watching. Pasternak's whipped Halle Berry towards hotness-dom for Catwoman and Harper got his exposure through The Biggest Loser. Read more on these two, and youtube em. These are some of the many people I aspire to be and look up to.
*Thanks to Afiq, I realized that I am starting to use fitness as a reason to achieve vanity, as opposed to being healthy. Nice reality slap there brother. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and Im not writing this in a sarcastic mood. Really.
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
To those who feels like giving up, or ambitious beginner, read this.
Back to work,
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Im not one to give reasons and excuses but professionally, I am moving another level up (getting harder stuff, haha) and I decided to focus on it fully this coming month and due to the upcoming fasting month, I froze my membership, for two months. (Gasp!)
But I am not beating myself much this time around, because Im going to be doing stuff from home.
I chose to do -
calisthenics stuff + bodyweight stuff + bits of pilates (thanks, youtube) + bits of yoga (thanks, youtube).
*pilates arent for sissies aight, it challenges the abs. and whatever that'll improve my fitness state, Im open.
With a pair of dumbells in my room, Ill also incorporate some simple dumbell exercises, base on impulse.
It was a scary thought at first.
Yes, I question my will.
Its easy for me to say this here, but can I keep REALLY keep up?
Will I do it all, since "home" and "no trainer" means comfort?
Will I not fall and just stop half way?
Ill stay positive and take things one step at a time. And Im not going to just give up, because practice makes perfect and repetition conditions one to an act desired.
"Rest is a good thing, but boredom is its brother." Voltaire
"A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it."Anonymous
Wish me luck.
*so far been doing simple pilate moves. Gah, I'll improve myself in coming weeks.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Will post em when I got em...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
"Best Fats Forever" VS "Fats Frenemy"
Remember when any fat was bad fat? When the only difference between a croissant and a Krispy Kreme was snob appeal? Now that (happily) science has found that some fats are good fats, it's all about avoiding the bad guys. But if sorting out omega-3s from saturated fats makes you want to drown your frustration in a quarter-pounder and fries (a whopping 56 grams of the ickiest stuff), here's a simple list that rates fats, from the top dog to the don't-even-think-about-it.
Like O.M.eGawd!(OMEGA 3s) Among the best fats on the planet, omega-3s add years to your life by dramatically reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. They may also stave off arthritis, depression, and some cancers, and might even tame menstrual cramps and postworkout soreness. Looking for clear, soft skin and great hair? Omega-3s do that, too.
Eat these frequently Fatty fish, such as wild salmon, sardines, herring, and tuna Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil Walnuts
MONO MY MAN! (MONOUNSATURATED) All monounsaturated fats are kind to your heart because they raise good HDL cholesterol and lower bad LDL cholesterol (the kind that clogs arteries). But virgin olive oil, the MVP of monounsaturates, does more. For starters, it contains micronutrients that are needed for hormone and enzyme production. But olive oil also boasts compounds that may fight breast and colon cancer as well as boost the cancer-fighting power of other foods. Delicious sources are Olives Virgin olive oil (be sure it's virgin; processing destroys nutrients) Canola oil Peanut and other nut oils Nuts Avocados
POLY PALS (POLYUNSATURATED) Most polyunsaturated fats are heart-friendly, but, with the exception of omega-3s, they don't have the star power of other healthy fats. Also, poly fats contain omega-6s, which are healthy unless you get too many of them -- and most Americans get up to 25 times more omega-6s than they need. Omega-6s should be eaten more sparingly because they can overwhelm the superstar omega-3s. Overall, try to get most of your polyunsaturated fats from omega-3 sources.
Find them in: Corn, soybean, safflower, canola, sunflower, and cottonseed oils Fatty fish (canned light tuna counts)
SORE LOSER SATS (SATURATED) Saturated fats are mainly trouble because they raise blood cholesterol to artery-clogging levels. In one study, eating a single slice of carrot cake and drinking a milkshake that were high in sat fat hindered the body's heart-protective functions. Loading up on saturated fats may also harm brain molecules that help form memories, raising the risk of dementia.
Skimp or skip: Meats, particularly with visible fat Poultry skin, fat, and dark meat Whole-milk dairy foods, including butter, full-fat cheeses, ice cream, sour cream Most hard margarines (those in stick form) Coconut and palm oils Lard and shortening
TRANS HOs (TRANS FAT) These fats are so scary that they're being banned in some cities, and food manufacturers and restaurants are working fast to find substitutes. Trans fats are formed when liquid oils are zapped with hydrogen, turning them solid (like stick margarine). Processed foods that contain trans fats have nearly eternal shelf life -- ironically, that's why trans fats were invented: to keep food from going bad. But trans fats turned out to boost bad cholesterol, decrease good cholesterol, gum up arteries, and set off inflammation throughout the body, which can trigger a host of problems, from stroke to diabetes.
Bypass completely: Though things are changing quickly, be suspicious of any fast or processed food that's not labeled trans-fat-free (packaged-food labels must now list trans fats), including:All deep-fried foods -- chips, French fries, onion rings, donuts, etc. Many fast foods Candy Commercial baked goods -- cookies, pies, cakes, rolls, muffins, etc.
Bottom line: Stay away from trans fats the way you'd avoid highways on the day before Thanksgiving. Clog city.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The launch went well, but umm, I kept eating. It’s a bad week for me. I can’t seem to control my food consumption.
What worse was that this day itself, supposedly, I should be able to go to gym, but the event ended at 7 and there was a post event dinner which I just wont skip since its not often that me and my team are able to sit together and have a good time, talking, changing opinions and just chill (it’s a hectic life, this publishing life).
Breakfast – I had some chicken bits stir-fried with half a can of tuna, with half serving of nasi lemak bungkus (took the sambal and egg, haha)
Lunch – My printer person, who’ve been dying to take the designers out for lunch decided to treat us with Friday’s, and I had chicken quesadillas. Chicken strips wrapped with so called taco (like a harder version of roti canai, damn it!) with salsa, avocado, some shredded lettuce /salad and sour cream (took some). And the sharing spirit arose and I had my boss’ chicken taco (he dunked it on my plate before I could reject) and then I took two strips of colleague’s medium rare stakes with some green peppers and onions. The other designer had spaghetti with hot prawn sauce (whatever it’s called) and I spun the fork for one good spin and that was it. Then had some of the fried (yikes!) mushrooms (3, I remembered) and that was that.
They ‘bantai’ my printer person by sharing chocolate mud pie to wrap the lunch session so I had like ¼ of it.
I feel bad aite?
Tea – Finger food consisting of several small sandwiches tuna and chicken (white bread, so I stopped after two of those), took some tuna rolls, and took 2 prawns and a small, cube-shaped brownie.
Dinner – We went for pure malay cooking at Bangsar’s Rebung and I just ate the dishes, no carbs, at all. Ate strips of meat from the gulai lemak cili padi (coconut milk mixed with some spices and hot chillies) but didn’t gulp the gravy, just meat and the some veggie in the same gravy as well. But no slurping of it, just took the veggies. I filled my tummy by having coconut juice (with bits of it).
My goodness. I am turning this blog into a whining thing now. I shouldn’t. It’s out of the ‘fitness blog’ line.
Baby steps, Ibster, baby steps…
God, tomorrow three different shoots will take place and I will make everything efficient so that I can get myself off from that office of mine and do cardio, weight training (Im getting fucking weak!) and some calisthenics exercises.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Last weekend was suppose to be a workout weekend but instead, due to stress and all, I went on a short trip to Penang, on impulse. Last minute decision. I told myself I needed a getaway, and that was it.
Diet got crash and burn. But I maintain still the 3 hours eating. The only bad thing was that I indulged on white bread toast for my first breakfast, Nasi Kandar for my first lunch, big buffet on my last day and also a serving of Nasi Goreng Pattaya for dinner on the very very last day. It consist of just flavorings like soy sauce and small amount of mixed veggie, with egg as the wrap. Why cant nasi goreng be more healthy and filled with nutrition!? I hope all the walking around town can at least do some justice.
Thats bad.
Been busy and tired after work. Work itself dragged all the way till 8 onwards and by that time, the gym is already closed (maybe I should switch to fancy gyms that operates all the way to 10?).
Two days ago I already packed everything to go and then last minute, my writers ask for assistance, carrying loan items for yesterday's day long shoot. I hope walking around from one mall to another WITH those heavy coats and shopping bags helped as well :P
And I now feel bad, watching the ad on the right of my blog. Yes Im making excuses.
Hopefully if there's extra time today after the launch of a new mag (that Im involved in) I can get my self to the gym. Or else tomorrow will be my first visit to the gym for this week (BAAADDD!!!).
I doubt that I'll be in during Sat and Sun (both days) because I might have aches all over if I train hard on Friday (or even today).
Damn it. Two visits this week.
Improve on your time Ibster!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Body Weight Exercises!
For fitness freaks who go nuts over not being able to workout when you’re not in your usual area (or out of town, without any gyms that allows per entry kind of visit), this is a great alternative... (at the very least, fine)
For anti-socials who feel like having a good workout (or wanting to start somewhere), do these in the comfort of your messy rooms. Just make some space, it’ll do. (Or you can tidy up and clean the room altogether prior to these routines as it can also act as an unintentional warm up/cardio with benefits)
For gym rats, add these for an additional health benefit and really sweat yourself out.
Girls, y’all can pretend to work the ‘imaginary runway’ fiercely, back and forth (and you already have a motive to work harder! Be a model!) Guys, y’all can pretend to be busy and walk around the house (or neighborhood, for some fresh air) and make yourself look busy, rushing for something (do it right and it might lead to a career in acting no?) But then again, anything that warms you up is OK. As long as the body temperature is rising, then you are prepared for a higher intensity exercises.
30 seconds to two minutes should be the length of each, but mood and environment matters. So set your mind first and foremost. Move from one to another smoothly but quickly as well. Stretch to cool down later on.
*Aside from my comments, everything below are cut and paste info from the site I credit below. I am honest :)
Squat-Thrusts Stand with feet together. Squat down and place your hands on the floor next to your feet. In an explosive movement, jump feet backwards into a push-up position, jump feet back between hands and stand up. *I see it as using my hands as anchors to the ground. Then focus on the movement.
Push Ups Begin in push up position, on knees or toes. Perform 4 push ups, abs in and back straight. On the 5th push up, lower halfway down and hold for 4 counts. Push back up and repeat the series - 4 regular push ups and 1 halfway - 5 or more times.
One-Leg Balance / Squat / Reach Stand on one leg and hold it as long as you can. If this is too easy, add a slight squat motion. Still too easy? Place an object on the floor, several feet in front of you (a book, perhaps), and slowly squat down, and reach out with one arm and touch the object and slowly return to an upright position. Stay on one leg at all times. Repeat on the other leg after a minute or so.
Backward Stride Stand with feet together. Stride backward with one leg, while raising the arms to shoulder level. Lower the arms to your side and repeat with the other leg. Pick up the pace for more cardio. * I don’t get this one.
Chair Dips You’ll need two chairs, (or a bed and a chair or a counter, etc…) for this great tricep exercise. Place two chairs facing each other, about 3 feet apart. Sit on one chair with your hands palm down and gripping the edge of the chair. Place your heels on the edge of the other chair and hold yourself up using your triceps. Slide forward just far enough that your behind clears the edge of the chair and lower yourself so your elbows are at 90 degrees. Do as many repetitions as you can.
Wall Sit With your back against a wall, and your feet about 2 feet away from the wall, slide down until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Hold the position as long as you can.
Jump Lunges Start in the lunge position – one foot forward and one foot back. Bend your knees and then jump up high and switch leg positions. Use explosive, but controlled movements.
Reverse Crunch Lie on your back with your hands out to your sides, and bend your knees. Bring your knees toward your head until your hips come up slightly off the floor (don’t rock). Hold one second and repeat.
Jumping Jacks The basic jumping jack is a good cardio and strength training exercise.
Side Jumps Stand with feet together. Jump to the right several feet, keeping knees bent and landing in a squat position. Jump back to the left and continue jumping from side to side. Use a small object to jump over if you like (book, pillow etc).
Mountain Climbers Start on your hands and knees and get into in a sprinter’s start position. Keep your hands on the ground and push off with your feet so you alternate foot placement (run in place) as long as you can. Be sure to keep your back straight, not arched.
Planks Get into push up position on hands and toes, or on elbows and toes. Contract your abdominal muscles (and core). Keep your back straight (don't collapse in the middle) and hold this position for as long as you can. *I motivate myself by doing this shirtless, then I can see my belly, and it’s enough for the mind to tell me to push more ;)
Wall Squat-Thrusts Lean into a wall with your hands and keep your feet shoulder width apart several feet from the wall. Slowly lift one knee up toward your chest and back and then the other leg. As you improve your fitness, increase your leg lift speed and move your weight onto the ball of the rear foot.
Crunches Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your fingertips to the side of your head just behind your ears. Push your lower back into the floor flattening the arch and hold. Curl up slowly so both your shoulders lift off the floor a few inches. Hold for a count of 2 and return to the start position. Tip: Don’t tuck your chin to your chest; keep your head up.
Superman Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs stretched out. Raise your arms and legs off the ground a few inches, hold a few seconds, and then lower. Alternate arms and legs as an option. Repeat.
Walking lunge Start at one end of the room and take a long stride forward with the right leg. Bend down so the forward knee is directly over the toes and at a 90 degree angle. Raise up and repeat with the other leg across the room.
Shadow Boxing Assume the position and go for a little shadow boxing. It’s really a pretty decent way to get your cardio and strength work all at once. Focus on controlled movements (not flailing punches), stay light on the balls of your feet and keep your knees bent. Practice jabs and upper cuts and all your moves. Hold a couple bottles of water for more resistance. *Imagine an asshole from workplace in front of you. Release your surpressed anger through fast fist works (punches) and be creative and focus on the asshole’s body parts (chest, tummy, shoulder etc). Nuff said.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I would like to congratulate myself for managing to enjoy the birthday weekend (thanks for the treat and surprises guys) without much consumption of empty calories. Cakes and desserts, I still consume, but small portion by small portion, with several days as a gap (hey, Im still trying to control it aight) I still have my birthday cake inside the fridge and just now after a dinner (before 7) filled with protein (lean chicken parts) I cut myself a slice just to kill my craving and pause my urge and desire towards it...
Training-wise, been hitting the gym 3 times a week and its not a good thing, I think. Apart from wasting my hard-earned cash (Im still money-driven when it comes to these matters - so many things to buy!) I can easily slip back into my lazy mode, thanks to the abundance of tasks at work, which can cause me to either stay long (skipping the gym) or going back to the office after gym (normally be back at 9, and tired as hell hence causing lack of attention and energy towards it.... kind of useless, people work beter when they're not tired... DUH)
I need to train the mental department more as well.
As I told myself, do DOABLE weights, even though it might look pathetic! Just make sure it still challenges the muscles to work.
But then, the ex trainer wanted to train me since hes there and not occupied by any of his other clients (actually hes training me since my stubborn little bro didnt complete his sessions, the one I paid for the betterment of his fat ass, with him, so instead he used all the leftover sessions, 4 to be exact, on me..) He hit me with a BODYBUILDING, hardcore-esque weights and yes, I followed and although Im happy there's someone to motivate me, some of the stuff I did werent THAT perfect in form (and also some were assisted by him) In some ways, I try to strategize not coming in when hes in. Haha. Oh well.
Been stretching a lot so far after my normal workouts and it feels great. Im going to experiment more with body weight exercises and although it is a bit embarassing to just jump up and down or duck-walk (not sure the proper term) around the aerobic area. (among guys who lift weights and does "macho" stuff) I tell this to myself:
THIS IS HOW I ACHIEVE MY GOAL. THOSE ARE THEIRS. SO BE A FOOL AND COMPLETE THE JUMPSETS (or prisoner squats... or whatever exercise that might look funny when being executed).
Yes, I am a crazy motivator for myself. I am the bitchiest trainer for myself. And Im fine with that.
*On a side note, Ego opened another store at The Curve (woohoo!) and now I dont have to travel all the way to Tropicana area to get myself my dose of protein powder. (Yeah, Im not into product mailings) When I have enough cash, that is :P
"The first wealth is health." Emerson
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." William James
Till the next post,
Exercise well, eat well, rest well and bid those fucking fat farewell!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The 20 Healthiest Foods for Under $1
I skipped gym (I was tired, no shit) and went to have an unhealthy dinner with colleagues, along the way turning myself into a secondhand smoker.
I had this thing consisting of a thing dough with tuna + mayo (lots) + chicken ham + egg fillings… with additional curry sprinkled over… I managed to spread away the excessive, additional mayo on the top though, so good thing I did that.
Should I be worried? A little is okay I guess. It’s not always that I spoiled myself with food that doesn’t benefit me and my body.
But then again, I had this fried mushroom pieces around 10 pm (few strips, thank god) and that made me feel down a little… but then again. Enough! Depression over small things will lead to nowhere.
So I’ll just need to finish off all my work tomorrow and make sure I head to gym for chest and triceps. By tomorrow I hope the muscles aches around the thighs will be gone and Im able to perform more rigorous aerobics after/before my workout tomorrow.
Note to self: DOABLE weights (pushing the limits accordingly). LESSER cardio, walk faster though. Eat right. DRINK lots of water, it’s not that hard to down a full bottle. IMPROVE the close grip pushup and TRY to do 5 perfect chin up.
Rest well later… by reading, or something.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Nuff said. Sleep was good and here's a video!
Be motivated and enjoy!
I think it's possible. I really do.