Sunday, August 10, 2008

(Work mounting + new tasks = lesser time to move around.)

Im not one to give reasons and excuses but professionally, I am moving another level up (getting harder stuff, haha) and I decided to focus on it fully this coming month and due to the upcoming fasting month, I froze my membership, for two months. (Gasp!)

But I am not beating myself much this time around, because Im going to be doing stuff from home.

I chose to do -
calisthenics stuff + bodyweight stuff + bits of pilates (thanks, youtube) + bits of yoga (thanks, youtube).
*pilates arent for sissies aight, it challenges the abs. and whatever that'll improve my fitness state, Im open.

With a pair of dumbells in my room, Ill also incorporate some simple dumbell exercises, base on impulse.

It was a scary thought at first.

Yes, I question my will.

Its easy for me to say this here, but can I keep REALLY keep up?
Will I do it all, since "home" and "no trainer" means comfort?
Will I not fall and just stop half way?

Ill stay positive and take things one step at a time. And Im not going to just give up, because practice makes perfect and repetition conditions one to an act desired.

"Rest is a good thing, but boredom is its brother." Voltaire
"A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it."Anonymous

Wish me luck.
*so far been doing simple pilate moves. Gah, I'll improve myself in coming weeks.

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