Thursday, January 27, 2011

caught by the cctv again. in capoeira class this time.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

cctv view of the class. im one of them :P
Systema was great. It's quite similar to Urban Warrior. It uses the logic of movements.

First I learned how the use pressure BUT being relaxed at the same time. It's hard to explain and its better to be experienced then told. Didn't get it at first but then finally got it... It's like when pressure is given by the opponent (say he grips you hard), we then just tense the part involved for a while and then just move freely. Surprisingly it worked. The pressure from the opponent can be navigated easily.

We proceeded to experience the different levels of punches and how to minimize the pain... when one tense their abs when being punched... it will cause more pain as oppose to leaving it jelly-like and breathing out while being punched. Yep. I tasted the hard punch during the tensing of the abs. Painful. Best part when doing this was when the instructor did this hard knock on both shoulders of another mate. Super hard with loud sound... but the feeling was good! I know because I requested to be knocked as well. Haha.

Then I learned on how to dodge attacks in a fluid way... I think a dancer would benefit this class more. (Heck I even threw some capoeira moves as well... haha)

What I noticed about this class (and even Urban Warrior) is that a little bit of reverse psychology is involved in it. Which can be tricky, but great outcome. A little bit of practice and I think one can be awesome at it. It teaches you about you yourself and how well you know your body and how to move it.

I think I got myself some temporary art on my body tonight. The bruises will be visible tomorrow I think. I'm glad that I actually packed extra clothing this morning. Proud at my decision of actually going instead of walking around aimlessly elsewhere (or worse, go makan!)

I'm hoping for an awesome sleep later.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

3 hours straight of Muay thai classes. I feel so light now and shutting my eyes can lead to a deep nap. I'm not going to the office as planned earlier. Don't think I can mentally function now. Still excited about performing Aus. This upcoming Thursday is Thaipusam and the center is close... I think they should have at least 2 classes on Capo because right now it's only on Thursday. Kinda miss running now. It's been a while. Oh well. Will find time next week, hopefully.
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Thursday, January 13, 2011

this is not a cartwheel
I love doing Aus.

Au, is actually Capoeira's name for cartwheel. I never thought I would be able to do it. As a kid I always wanted to try it and yes, I had my own experiments before but most of it ended with me being unsure and scared that I would land wrongly (and we know what that will lead to).

I know, some people can do it easily without any tutoring, but for a former fatty like me, I keep having thoughts that Im not 'light' enough to be able to be in air. Yep.

Yesterday was an eye-opener. It's super easy to do, just a matter of perfecting it (can't make my legs straight still). It's all about using your two palms as anchors on the ground, leaving all the weight there and letting the lower part of the body (which will be up) loose and free.

After the class, the guy who taught us showed how connected the moves and 'dances' of Capoeira can be. I think it's very fluid, the movement. One to another. It would be great to merge everything and coming up with one single movement without any pause in between.


Capoeira Parkour Au tutorial
Uploaded by CapoeiraBoy. - See more comedy videos.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Not this kind of flexibility
As of now, I cant bend perfectly to even touch my toes. yes, i have to slightly bend my knees... which sucks, especially when everyone in the class were able to do it. Nostalgic moments from my yoga attempt flooded me and halfway through I am reminded oh how shitty I felt that time. An online friend of mine, a male nurse (studying still technically) told me flexibility can be gained and what I experienced now is normal. He's not the first to tell me that. That famous, petite yoga instructor told me the same thing too. Temporarily I was happy of that fact but I guess due to lack of practice, I just gave up. Right now, Im keeping my fingers crossed that this will continue on, the flexing and all.

So yeah. Did my first ever Muay Thai class followed by Capoeira. Overall, I love the fact that I can kick and punch freely. Yes, it felt good! Kind of slow in perfecting it but over time I know I can be an awesome fighter. HAHA. One heck of a workout right there. Capoeira on the other hand, despite it being a beginner's class with simple stuff, was hard for me to digest. The moves was slightly complicated (for now I guess). I think I'll have a sexy butt after six months of doing this... yeah, too many glutes action took place... I know Im going to suffer tomorrow. The jinga/jengga/jingga move equals to jelly legs tomorrow.

I had fun. Practice is a must to avoid embarrassment in the next class. Woohoo!

(I'm still going to run but not as frequent I guess. Once or twice a week should be sufficient. I miss it.)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Did it

after a single visit, i instantaneously knew that i want to be here. yes, i enrolled the very next day. weehee! im looking forward to the rest of the classes. the first class i had yesterday, called urban warrior, was not so physical (didnt even sweat a bead) but much more on awareness of body and surrounding. played with plastic knife. awesome discovery. didnt know that there are plenty of ways to attack and avoid opponents. everything seems logical, the hand movements and body positioning. got bruised a bit by the fake stabbing and chaffing during the practice but i think its fun... next to try, capoeira and muay thai beginner tomorrow. i am more motivated to work and clearing things now, so that i have a reason to leave early tomorrow. yeah!